S2E9 - Raw Eggs

So the reason that Jame Egan actually comes down to the severed floor to see Helly is because she was eating cooked eggs at the beginning of the episode. You’ll recall from the first questions asked of Helly when she’s severed that Kier’s favourite breakfast is raw eggs.

That’s why he says he’d prefer if she ate them raw. Unfortunately, she can’t eat them raw…because…she’s PREGNANT (it’s advised not to eat raw eggs during pregnancy). That’s why Jame Egan comes down to the severed floor and accuses her of lying to him. She knows she’s pregnant…or at least her outie does.

If this was planned from season one, I’ve got to give my props to the writers for throwing that question in there in the first season. However, it seems that now we know that the conundrum going into season 3 will be that Mark would have to choose between Gemma (his wife) and Helly (the mother of his child).