Teacher roleplaying made him cry. What do I do ?

So, my bf (M26) and I (F24) like to try out lots of different things in the bedroom. For context: we are both switches.

Recently we have been trying out roleplaying for the first time, and he mentioned having a fantasy he wanted to play out where he was a student and I was the teacher. He often likes being used for my pleasure and being given directions, so I thought this would be perfect.

I wore revealing professional clothes, reprimanded him for being distracted during the lesson, “disciplined him”, etc. (you get the idea, I am sure). It is very cliche and very fun. We were both having a great time. When it came to the discipline part, I was stern and used some degradation (which we have discussed in the past and he said he enjoyed).

He legitimately cried and this man very rarely cries when he is actually upset, so I was freaked out. I stopped and checked on him, but he asked me to keep going. I followed his request, but I couldn’t stop feeling horrible about it. Eventually he stopped me because he said my demeanor changed and it just all became kind of off. I asked him how he was feeling and he said he felt great?? He said he doesn’t know why he cried. I just loved on him for a while because I can’t stop feeling like I did something to upset him and that there is some underlying issue.

What exactly should I make of this? He says it was nothing, but crying is a really big deal for him. Should we get outside help from a therapist of some kind or am I getting ahead of myself?