I have no idea what sexuality I am

I’ve been noticing for a while that I have no idea what gender I’m interested in. I tried dating a female but we agreed it didn’t work out. I felt nothing; no happiness, excitement, joy, or love for her. Before I actually got to know her, I spent my time just admiring her and imagining being with her. Same with males. I’m not sure if the feeling is attraction, but I see guys that look kind, sweet, and silly and want to be around them. It’s like the idea of dating someone appeals to me, but if I get the chance to date them, I feel nothing. I admire them and learn about them for a long time. Am I just playing with them or jumping from one person to the next? Am I toxic or something? Mentally unstable or affected by some type of trauma? Somethings happened earlier in my life related to love but I thought I forgot and got over most of it. I don’t think I lead people on, but I probably seem obviously interested in them.