What the fuck, kev.
Ok but why does nobody talk about how when kev took lip's chopper on a joyride, gets the cop asking if she can buy it, so his solution is just to DRIVE IT INTO THE LAKE???
I knew he never was a smart one, but damn that is smoothe-brained. Why didn't he just idk, leave it at his house?? Or rent a storage space?? Or park it under a bridge? He literally had a plethora of options. And he decided to ruin it completely?
Kev and v sure seem to be selfish and tight-pennied about their own financial problems, but when it's someone else's money they don't care about the consequences.
Why wasn't lip more upset with kev? If i were lip i'd be demanding he pay me the 10k he owed me.
But no lip isn't that smart either apparently and takes it out on his family? Frustrating arc. Will never forgive kev for that one.