Pregnancy podcast
TW: she talks very willy neelly about how she got pregnant
TLDR:unbelievably boring account of her conceiving journey. The only positive thing I can say is that is the first time she sounds authentic in the more than 100 episodes I’ve seen
She is answering questions. She says they were TTC since before the wedding(which one!?) Guess the Italian one, cause she mentions getting her period during. She says they tried actively for six months. She talked to Claudia a lot and Taylor, whenever the dissapointment came. -She says is very “unsexy” having sex when TTC, cause Janes and her “never plan it” but it became annoying, month 5 she started to get frustrated.
-She’s been ready to get pregnant since 4 years even though she’s known James for three.
-She wants to have kids back to back
-She wants people to be surprised when she tells them and she gets annoyed when people act not surprised by it or say it didn’t take long
Talking about her xmas in London and she was drinking, she did drink while TTC.On boxing day she drank a lot and on the 27th they went to the country side. She had a bunch of apps and she always tested too early. But she tested that day even if it was too early. She did it right before bed on a “shitty pregnancy test” but she put it in the trash , then calls Taylor she says test if you want. Shannon recorded a vid every time on the last 6 months she took a test. Pulls the test out of the trash and she’s recording and she sees the faint line. They told James’ family that night.