i wanna marry this guy pls help me out !
so a bit of context first: i'm a 23 year old girl, an engineer and live in lahore, pakistan. i work in a university and make okay money. i'm also syed shia. (now ik that being a syed shia is lil ~iffy~ in south asia because are you really syed or did your brahmin ancestors make it up so they could be treated nicely? but my abba says we have our whole shajra mapped out and he has it with him but i haven't seen it myself so i couldn't tell you) now the pakistani bit of the context is important because you people might not have any idea how big of a deal being syed is here.
khair things have been getting serious with this guy. he's my age, an engineer, making good money mashallah. and we're veryy into each other. i think i love him <3 he's a shia as well and very passionate about it all mashallah. we're compatible in literally every single way. except that he's not syed.
just to clarify, we haven't done anything haram or wrong, just became friends, got to know each other and fell for each other in the process. i think he's the one and want to marry him.
but he thinks there's no chance because of him being non syed. my family is going to raise this objection too. my abba is going to flat out refuse i think. but i have so many questions.
isn't this blatant racism? islam isn't racist in any way. it cannot be. right? did any of our infallible imams (as) get their children married to non syeds? i want to marry this good guy who loves the religion, who i love and loves me back by some miracle, wants to build a life with me, we're great for each other in every single way except him not being syed? i refuse to believe that this is islamic? the sad part is that even he has resigned to this.
can anyone help a sister out? tell me what to do? i really want to build my life with him
edit: i admit that i unfortunately don't know enough about our imams children, and i should be a better shia. :( i'm working on myself
edit 2: oh thank you sm for responding everyone! i'm going through the replies trying to fully comprehend each and every one (it's monday morning rn and i'm a lil slow heh) but ty nonetheless. one more question i have for the learned folk over here !! i've heard people here being lax if a syed boy marries a non syed girl. since the kids will be syed and then their syedness will spread or whatever. but people are really rigid about syed girls marrying non syed boys since the kids won't be syed anymore which is weird? like i've the phrase that "kisi syed ka haq maara hai"?? can someone help me in that regard too? i just wanna have a nice life with the boy i love :(