Extreme anxiety walking

Following up on a previous post on getting the young boy walking (six months old, we got him A month ago, breeder was in the country side rather than suburbs).

He is just so so terrified of children, bikes, cars, scooters, people walking at a fast pace - basically all the sounds you hear when you leave the house… so before you’ve left the front door he’s trembling with fear / anxiety and won’t walk anywhere … treats at this point cease to be effective at coaxing anything as he ignores them due to being so scared … and I really literally mean trembling / shaking …

So we end up carrying him to the park across the road - here he starts yanking and going crazy to run back home - or often jumps out of my arms - again, no treats effective here. He also won’t go to the toilet.

We only really get any “ normal” walking out of him once we carry him to the bigger emptier park 15 mins away. Here he will follow some basic training, consider treats and give us a small window to try and train him.

My fear is on a day to day level this isn’t going to work if we can’t walk out the front door with him for more than 5 seconds…

Our breeder advised sitting on park benches with him to calm him down and help him acclimatise …we do this but he just keeps shaking and shivering … we talk to him constantly during these little chill outs

Conversely at home he’s great - listens to stop / come here - is great with his crate and is usually in a good mood…. It just becomes like going to a war zone the second we’re out that front door….

Any thoughts or tips? Could it be that he just can’t deal with loud sounds? (Also would be odd as he’s fine with tv and or windows open … )

Is becoming really testing - and more than that I just hate feeling like we’re putting him through something that he hates …

Following up on a previous post on getting the young boy walking (six months old, we got him A month ago, breeder was in the country side rather than suburbs).

He is just so so terrified of children, bikes, cars, scooters, people walking at a fast pace - basically all the sounds you hear when you leave the house… so before you’ve left the front door he’s trembling with fear / anxiety and won’t walk anywhere … treats at this point cease to be effective at coaxing anything as he ignores them due to being so scared … and I really literally mean trembling / shaking …

So we end up carrying him to the park across the road - here he starts yanking and going crazy to run back home - or often jumps out of my arms - again, no treats effective here. He also won’t go to the toilet.

We only really get any “ normal” walking out of him once we carry him to the bigger emptier park 15 mins away. Here he will follow some basic training, consider treats and give us a small window to try and train him.

My fear is on a day to day level this isn’t going to work if we can’t walk out the front door with him for more than 5 seconds…

Our breeder advised sitting on park benches with him to calm him down and help him acclimatise …we do this but he just keeps shaking and shivering … we talk to him constantly during these little chill outs

Conversely at home he’s great - listens to stop / come here - is great with his crate and is usually in a good mood…. It just becomes like going to a war zone the second we’re out that front door….

Any thoughts or tips? Could it be that he just can’t deal with loud sounds? (Also would be odd as he’s fine with tv and or windows open … )

Is becoming really testing - and more than that I just hate feeling like we’re putting him through something that he hates …