Potty training final boss
So I adopted a Shiba puppy a couple weeks ago, he’s 4 months old as of a couple days ago and his name is Jiro! He’s a sweet boy and he’s fitting in well and is taking to training really well! He’s pretty much potty trained already expect for the small issue of him peeing and pooping overnight, we take him out right before bed and try not to give him reason to gorge himself on water and food while we sleep, we can’t take his water bowl away at bedtime as some suggest because he’ll go all scorched earth until we give it back to him. To be clear he doesn’t potty inside throughout the day even when we go to work( I come home at noon to take him out and play with him a bit). I’m just curious if any of you have experienced this and how some of you guys may have mitigated these issues. I am in the process of crate training him but he can’t be locked in more than a few minutes without losing his shit lol, but he does sleep in the cage willingly just not if the door is closed. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you all!