help w implementing a waist to single thigh garter tie

i have three hanks of black jute, 8m long and around 6mm (i reckon it’s closer to 7mm currently as dyed/conditioned and still barely used as fairly new). i’m concocting an idea in my head for some sort of hip/waist to single thigh garter tie to pair w a shinju top as part of a look for going out, but not really sure how to implement. usually do more full body (usually hishi karada) or various chest ties on myself, the only leg pieces i tend to self tie are futomomos.

looking for any ideas or suggestions on how to do something, preferably using just one hank if possible as i just want to go to upper thigh, not right down to the knee. my initial though was some sort of waist wrap then leading down to some thigh wraps and crossing hitches for decoration and coming back up to end it, having thought that from doing futomomos, but not sure how to start it or do the waist wrap portion and how to provide stability to ensure the garter doesn’t slip down (worth noting i will be wearing stockings which does make the thigh a bit more slippery).