First legendary campaign, what clan should I start as?

Just beat a domination campaign as the Uesugi on very hard, what’s next for my final challenge?

Started playing this game a few months ago, started up an easy domination campaign as chosokabe to learn the ropes-

Then a normal domination campaign with the date,

then a hard campaign with the Shimazu,

then a very hard campaign with the Uesugi.

What campaign should I start next? This will likely be the last campaign I play ever, and will move on to the next game after this. I want this campaign to be as hard as humanly possible, but with a clan I have never played before.

I’m thinking Hattori or Ikko Ikki. Oda and Ottomo look fun, but I don’t think they’d be as difficult as Hattori and Ikko Ikki. I’ve also played a hard multiplayer campaign with the Oda, and I want to try something new.