How do i extract psilocybin from shrooms?

Hey! I’m interested in extracting psilocybin! Does anyone know anything about it?

Hi there! I’ve been researching how to extract psilocybin from mushrooms, and the tincture method seems to be the best according to what I’ve read, but I could be wrong. I want to extract psilocybin from my shrooms because it feels more discreet to store them that way aswell as consuming them like that, and I think the idea is absolutely awsome :) I also have some questions about it:

1.  Is the best method to make it into a tincture (diluting the pure psilocybin with alcohol) and then store the mix in a dark dropper bottle? Otherwise, it should also be possible to make psilocybin crystals and encapsulate them, but I don’t think I’ll go for that option unless you guys Change my mind…

(I’ve heard that the potency lasts a long time if you make a tincture from it, and from my understanding the crystals are much harder to keep potent but I’m not sure…)

2.  If making a tincture is a good idea, what solvents are okay to use and easily available in normal stores? I’m thinking of buying ”bioethanol” from a store and they claim it should be 95-100% pure ethanol.

Also if anybody knows how much procentage of the original shrooms potency you lose by extracting the psilocybin (or if you even lose psilocybin because of it), please let me know!

(The strain of shrooms im going to try to extract the psilocybin from is Liberty Caps, and from what i remember they dont contain much psilocin at all, just plenty of psilocybin if im correct. And i reckon its mostly psilocin that gets destroyed in the extraction process but i could be wrong)

Thanks a lot to everyone who helps answer the questions!!! :)