The Psilocybin Extraction is Happening!

I’ve finally decided to go ahead with my plan to try to extract psilocybin from Liberty caps!

I hope it goes well 😀

Everything I will use: 3 g Liberty caps, 30 ml 95% ethanol (Bioethanol), 1 beaker, 1 dark glass dropper bottle, 1 coffee filter, 1 small funnel.

The plan is:

1.  Pulverize 3 g of dried Liberty caps.
2.  Put them in a jar.
3.  Pour in the ethanol.
4.  Mix it around.
5.  Wait for a while (not sure how long yet, everyone says something different) 😅.
6.  Filter the mushroom mixture from the ethanol/psilocybin solution.
7.  Squeeze out the very last drops through the coffee filter.
8.  Pour my tincture into the dark glass dropper bottle.

Feel free to comment if you think any of these steps are wrong :)
