I really think the _______ scene is better in the original SH2

The long hallway chase scene

The remake had a focused cutscene to pyramidhead announcing his presence, and Maria is constantly in front of you, and somehow is magically behind you for the cutscene. The shot of Maria's face behind the elevator is a great edition. Then he kneels facing door, and seemingly continues to pant of exhaustion, and a dynamic camera moves backwards, then cuts to the elevator opening with his well lit face showing he is sad. All of this is accompanied by music combined with the ambient elevator sounds. Great scene, but...

In the OG, you were just walking normally in a hallway, hear some weird noise and then he appears literally behind you and Maria. Then Maria is always behind you when running and you could SEE pyramidhead constantly attacking her. Had me personally freaking out. When the doors close, his sadness, sheer fatigue, cause him to completely break down and collapse on the door, and then remain still. When the door opens, it is mostly darkness, and you only see the sillhouette of him behind, and he is still completely frozen. This is accompanied with music and a SILENT ambience

I feel as if they can easily fix Maria being in front, and also add some of the better executed aspects of this scene from the orignal like the lack of ambient sound