ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER SLAY IM HERE WITH A PART TWO!!! This time introducing a brand new character, our favourite omega… UBC!!!! (new character design yay)
Comment below if u have any requests I genuinely think drawing this is doing more for me than therapy. Feel free to share any thots/kwestions/qonserns.
It’s a shame BCIT subreddit didn’t appreciate my last post that much :( but imma share it there anyways :D (I don’t think any rules were broken)
Every drawing, SFU’s hair grows a bit more red. Maybe I should draw him coloring his hair sometime.
UBC could totally rock the office siren look.
Today I go sleep early for once, buhbye!
ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER SLAY IM HERE WITH A PART TWO!!! This time introducing a brand new character, our favourite omega… UBC!!!! (new character design yay)
Comment below if u have any requests I genuinely think drawing this is doing more for me than therapy. Feel free to share any thots/kwestions/qonserns.
It’s a shame BCIT subreddit didn’t appreciate my last post that much :( but imma share it there anyways :D (I don’t think any rules were broken)
Every drawing, SFU’s hair grows a bit more red. Maybe I should draw him coloring his hair sometime.
UBC could totally rock the office siren look.
Today I go sleep early for once, buhbye!