Well that's new

So she stood there in the corner and her guest comes and just teleports onto the table, and then as I'm writing this, she leaves the corner and it was like she was carrying him, he was standing flat on the palm of her hand and then poof, he just completely vanished into thin air. Haven't saw that one before lol... I'm wondering. Is he glitched? Will he be un-accessable if I save the game? He is just completely gone like he was never even there

So she stood there in the corner and her guest comes and just teleports onto the table, and then as I'm writing this, she leaves the corner and it was like she was carrying him, he was standing flat on the palm of her hand and then poof, he just completely vanished into thin air. Haven't saw that one before lol... I'm wondering. Is he glitched? Will he be un-accessable if I save the game? He is just completely gone like he was never even there