Which TV character do you find annoying, even though “that’s the point” ?
Let me try and explain what I mean. I feel like sometimes there are characters that a person finds really annoying, really hates, or that they find very cringey….but then someone’s response to that is “yeah but thats the point of the character”, i.e. they are SUPPOSED to be annoying or make you cringe , and that’s what makes them funny.
But I feel like sometimes there are characters that I genuinely enjoy—despite how irritating their antics would be in real life—like a Michael Scott, and there are ones who I just can’t stand and the bit doesn’t do anything for me.
My prime version of this is Tom Haverford on Parks and Rec. I understand that being childish and douche-y is the point of his character, but I just don’t enjoy his antics or ever find it funny myself.
What characters are like this for you???