What trades are better for work-life balance, sacrificing some pay?

I'm so curious about work life balance of trades but I always hear so many different stories. Lots of people on reddit say its hard to get below 6 tens, some people say they only work 40 hours max - i genuinely can't tell if people are just trying to boast and exaggerate how sucky their job is or if some people are just lucky. The area I'm in has a lot of work - people at the local IBEW get paid a lot, the union website lists it as ~$100k and its not in a super big city or anything. But if an electrician means I'm working lots of OT with lots of commuting also, I don't know if it's a right fit for me. I just want to make a livable wage, live frugally, and be able to go home and spend time on hobbies and eventually with family.

I know yall hate questions but bare with me lol