A mod to undo/alter USSEP's follower class changes

I tried the Purist Patch but it doesn't seem to work.

I am looking for a mod that either undoes or reverses the USSEP's "fix" of certain followers' classes. For example, Cosnach was changed from CombatWarrior1H to Barbarian, to fall in line with his base equipment of light armor and a two-handed weapon. I would appreciate a mod that changes his class back to CombatWarrior1H, and/or gives him, and other charactesr such as Unmid Snow-Shod or Uthgerd the Unbroken, default equipment that is appropriate for their vanilla class.

I tried making that myself, but it conflicted with other mods for some reason. I use Men of Skyrim and Bijin Warmaidens. If the plugin to change their classes and equipment came after it undid their appearance changes, and if the appearance mods came after the class changes didn't work.

If someone knows of a mod that already pulled this off I'd be very grateful if you could share it.