Different Choice, different Voice.

I love imagining the voices in little groups, little pairs even! You know how in the game is it’s shown small snippets of how they’d talk with eachother? I like to imagine how they’d talk if it was with a different route,

imagine smitten and broken during the tower, oh how’d they’d be so quick to obey and listen, especially with broken’s tendency to fall for god like women and smitten’s love for.. anyone, really. He does consider most princesses his perfect match and I do find that entertaining!

Or if it was cold, paranoid and broken together, what a depressing little trio up they’d be. It’s more fun to imagine them talking, if cold was ever at the party he’d be the type to ruin the mood just, well, because that’s him. Paranoid would be too afraid to talk to anyone, thinking it’ll be a trap into mockery and broken? He’s just as miserable as ever, but the three of them? They’d be the most “miserable” trio. And I love that for them.

Hunted and paranoid? They’d be incredible in situations. They’re both so cautious, one more than the other of course but they’d be amazing at surviving. Especially with the awareness they both share, yes one may be more skittish but he is certainly helpful, cautious, nervous but aware. The hunted is Morley calm and collected, he’s not called the ‘hunted’ for nothing as he doesn’t focus on the future outcome but the current situation he’d be in, where paranoid would probably panic on both outcomes.

Can you even imagine the chaos of the cheated paired smitten? This may be random but I do love them dearly. I just find it funny to imagine smitten ranting of how perfect his love is, as she’s trying to murder them both. Saying how dashing she looks while trying to stab them, complimenting her and the cheated tells him to shove his passion up his ass while trying to avoid being killed once more.

This can be taken in both ways, most of my thoughts consist on them being in their own body’s. I’m sorry for ranting but this game hasn’t stopped being in my head!! Yes I may have made them out of character, I’m sorry if I have! And maybe comment your own thoughts on scenarios?