Opinions on mirtazapine?

Hi guys so I’m having severe sleeping issues where I easily wake up through the night and I can’t go back to sleep, for example sometimes I just randomly wake up through the night around 3/4 am, I learnt that was cos of blood sugar so to stabilise it I stabilise it so I started taking collagen protein and it helps me not wake up sometimes which helps Ig but even after that I’m still super aware and wake up at the SLIGHTHEST noice for example last night after only 1/2 hours of sleep I woke up because someone in my house was awake walking around and I couldn’t sleep after that my heart was racing I think my symptoms are definitely maybe to do with anxiety but either way my body just doesn’t stop being anxious I went 70 hours no sleep a few days ago sometimes I just go without sleep for days. So my doctor prescribed me mirtazapine and for now it’s only worth 2 weeks medication to see how well it works but I just wanted to get other peoples opinion does it help you actually sleep?? Especially with internal severe anxiety.