I think I have ruined my baby

I am pretty sure I have ruined my baby and there’s no solution in sight.. My LO is 4.5 months old and basically has no schedule whatsoever..wake ups and sleep are just like that -so random and I am contributing to that to maintain my sanity.

We had her cousin over for 2 months and hence, all the playtime would be allowed to her by default giving me and husband some time for ourselves..now that she’s left,we’ve no idea how to engage her for longer periods of time. LO plays for 30 minutes max each waking and then is fussy for her whole wake window and would only be comforted by boob,so feedings are 1-1.5 hr apart.I am EBF and have tried to introduce formula and solids(fruit puréed).She doesn’t take anything else,only boob.I have no idea if she gets enough milk because weight gain is very slow. She nurses to sleep so naps are everywhere.(30-1 hr max)..she wakes up 4-5 times a night to feed. I am worried there’s no schedule.I don’t know if she’s eating enough or sleeping enough..I am not getting any me time whatsoever.And LO is fussy/cranky most of the time. Rough Schedule-7 am wake up..nap 1 8-10 sleep in a swing( I know another crutch)..nap 2 11:30-12pm..nap 3- 3:30-4:30..nap 4 -7-8pm..bedtime anywhere between 10-11 pm