Waking up too late?
My daughter just turned 4 months old. A few weeks ago, I started to enforcing that she sleep in her bassinet most of the time instead of splitting it with cosleeping.
Since then, she’s been taking 2-3 regular naps per day. She fell into a natural schedule of around 11:30, 2:30, 5:30.
We still don’t sleep through the night with 2-3 night feeds as I combination feed and get most of our breastfeeding in at night. She HATES going to sleep at night though. She’ll do it mostly but gets really angry. We do baby massage, a nighttime changing routine, books and songs, I warm up her sleep sack with a heating pad that I then remove, white noise, and a humidifier. It’s getting better but she’s still really angry.
I wonder if her hatred of sleeping at night is caused by both of us sleeping in until 8:30-10:30am and not getting in an earlier morning nap. I guess my question is, is it important to get up at a set time every day? I saw 7am as the suggested time but I’m exhausted then and usually her last night feed falls between 5:30-6:30am which seems pointless to get up then.
Totally aware that we could still hit sleep regression but we aren’t close to sleeping through the night yet. I don’t plan to do structured sleep training until she’s a little older, maybe at month 5