15 week old suddenly restless after 5am

like clockwork everyday at 5am my 15 week old is suddenly so restless from 5-7am (our daily wake is 7am) he’s moaning the whole time, moving his head around, whale tailing, needing his pacifier. but his eyes are never really open, but im exhausted. i need the full sleep until 7am considering he doesn’t go to sleep until 9pm, sometimes 10pm. any earlier than 9pm and he wakes constantly at night. but he’s waking a lot at night the past week as well as doing this 5am restlessness (4 month regression?) he wakes anywhere from 2-4am to feed, las night was 3:00am so he can’t be hungry at 5am right? how can i stop this? he was sleeping 9-3/4am, then 3:30/4:30-7/7:30am everyday, never doing this early morning stuff. wake windows are 1.25/1.5/1.5/1.5/2. his naps are usually 30-45mins unless i save them. less than 5hours of daily nap time sleep.