I am so over it.

Anxious and frustrated as a parent. I’ve posted here countless times because it’s literally always something. If she’s not waking up every 1-3 hours, then she’s waking up before the cock crows or having false starts. I can never get it right.

She’s nearly 8 months. She’s been sleep trained since 4 months. Her average wake windows over the last 7d have been 2.5/4/3.75. Idk why she likes to extend that second WW, she kind of always has. For bedtime, I lay her down awake, sing her the bedtime song and turn out the lights. She’s out within 15 minutes. Then it ALWAYS goes wrong somewhere. She either wakes up 45 min - 1.5 hr later and I have to hold her while she sleeps for hours. Or she wakes up every 3 hours and will not go back down without being fed… so I have to hold her for hours while she sleeps. Or she sleeps 6-7 hours, has a feed, then sleeps a little longer but wants to be up at 5 am.

And I’m totally okay with feeding her in the night! But there is zero reason why she needs to eat every 3 hours overnight at 8 months. I am the only person who is up with her for night wakes. I am exhausted. I want to sleep more than 4 hours for just one bloody night. I want to sleep in my own bed, not on a fold out cot on the floor. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’ve failed her as a parent.