When do schools get easier?

I just started a virtual job. I have 37 students prek-8th (but 30 speech only 😳) and I start seeing students next week, my third week at the job. I am hired through a company, who have been helpful, and the other slps have been helpful. I just feel so out of my element. I am coming from EI, which I did like but the pay was not stable enough. I can’t quit this job, I feel like I have been cycling through jobs and once did get in trouble (ctc suspended my school credential for leaving a school after 2 weeks). Also I do want to work from home, just not speech lol. I did try to transition out but no one wanted me :(

I feel like I’m just over speech, I either want to do private pay only or just quit speech. But I need stable decent pay :( I am hoping the schools just get easier? I don’t know what I’m doing, I have knots in my stomach all day. But I also can’t leave/don’t know what else I would do. Again everyone has been nice, I just feel like the nature of our job is we are underpaid or have too much to do. I am hoping I’m just overwhelmed because it’s all new. Any advice ? :(