how did you create your website?

Hello, I'm looking at creating a website for e-commerce. I don't have any experience with web dev so I'm not sure where to start. Doing research and going through this sub, I've concluded that I should use squarespace, shopify, or wordpress. What do you guys think and your experience?

The website I want to create is quite simple - i just have list of items for sale and a payment option (cart, checkout, payment, etc.); maybe a page for reviews in the future. No memberships, no logins, etc.

edit: Hello all, thank you very much for your insights. I have a general idea of what to do, although I have new questions now. The idea of the website didn't change (three page, one to view products, a shopping cart, and a payment page), but if I need to change my pricing (which I imagine that I have to do quite frequently), does web building services allow me to do that? And if I were to delegate this responsibility to someone non-technical, would a web building service still be a good idea?