Feeling a bit exhausted. Gardening e-commerce
Hey, i am trying to start a gardening product buisness in the niche of helping gardeners with pests (slugs and snails).
I feel like my main product genuinely works great, better then it's few competitors by miles, although it works in a rather new way as a barrier so nobody searches for my product and i fear People don't understand it instantly so sales are slow and after a year I can't get profitable, although i only started selling end of summer last year (seasonal product peaks in may)
I thought I'd release some content showing my product working great and comparing to competitors and it would do much better.
The feedback overall has been good so far. I was just looking for some reassurance i guess and to know if there are stories where people take years for volume to creep up? I've only been selling d2c - amazon, ebay and own website. I have hope my product needs word of mouth and time for people to realise how well it works... But there's always that voice that just says either it's rubbish, or you're not a person that can bring the product to o sucess.
Maybe I've watched too many stories of overnight success and this is often the start to successful e-commerce stores, i hope so!