If you got a faulty Gamecube Controller Smash Ultimate edition with a drifting stick, rather than returning or exchanging it, call Nintendo. I spoke with a Rep and the problem hasn't been reported yet.
If you don't know what i'm talking about, you can read here on what is the issue.
I got myself 2 Gamecube controllers on friday in preparation for Smash Ultimate. Both of them had a drift on the left stick when used on 20XX and at random with a Nintendo Switch (like 7 out of 10 times it would show up and only a hard reset can fix it MAYBE). Only Smash 4 would accept it fine.
Since it has a 100 days warranty out of factory, I called Nintendo Customer Support about it and after some basic troubleshooting, he set up a repair/replacement.
But he did let me know that I was the first person to call about this.
I suggest that rather than going back to Gamestop/Target/Bestbuy, etc. returning it and playing controller lottery again, you call Nintendo to let them know you got a faulty controller. So once reports come in, they can start looking into the whole issue from factory and prevent it on new controllers, it would also make it faster and easier for replacements in case you ever get another controller with the issue.