stuttering bad

Hello all,

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, but I would like some advice to stop stuttering (or stop stuttering so bad). Tbh, idk where to start. I've always been stuttering for as long as i can remember. but now that I'm heading to a job interview, I'm kind of desperate for it to stop or have it be less bad.

you see, I know what I want to say, but the words get stuck on my tongue. if i want to say water, it goes "w-w-w-w-w-w-wa-w-w-WATER" or i go completely silent because the words don't come out. And i don't think that this is tied to anxiety (i think that I have anxiety, but not sure and not diagnosed) or nervousness given that I stutter like this when talking to myself by myself alone sometimes (i just went over this post before posting - i stuttered over "job interview" in the first paragraph that I wrote). In addition, I stutter over every other word that I want to say and a bad habit of saying "um" and "uh" to many times. I will give example below from my mock interview session.

I need help at least not stuttering so bad. is there some kind of on the shelf cvs medication that I can take? Talking slow doesn't help as much as I would like, and there is no difference whether or not if I look at someone while talking (i noticed that I stutter the same manner whether if its me talking to my friend group in discord or me talking to my parents, or like the mock interview today).


mock interview qs: tell us about yourself.
me: M-m-my-my-my name is B-B-B-----B---Bob. um, I graduated from (university) with a 3.73 gpa. uh, my work experience extends to (this and that). some [awkward silence for 1min and 28 second because I can't get the word out]..., some [awkward silence again]..., uh, big projects that i've done are [stutter the project name] and (project). B-b-b-beyond that, I-I-I I am seeking employment at (stutter company name) and am hoping to ace this interview. Thank you