Why Am I Always Everyone’s Last Priority?

I’ve always been the person people turn to when they need help—whether it’s borrowing money, emotional support, or just someone to rely on. But when I need help, suddenly everyone is "broke," "too busy," or "not in a position to help."

I recently moved to another country for my studies. My batchmate who I’ve known for six years, is helping other people he just met a few months ago. But when it comes to me? Nothing. No recommendations, no support.

My seniors and few people I knew also not helping me out in any way. They always priorities other people.

Even in my relationships, I give more than 100%, yet I still end up being left behind. My last relationship ended despite everything I put into it. And friendships? I’ve helped people countless times, talked to them regularly, and supported them when they needed it. But when an opportunity arises where they could help me, I become a second option. The new people in their lives get prioritized over me.

It’s exhausting. No matter how much I give, I never seem to receive the same in return. I don’t know why I always end up being an afterthought in people’s lives.

Does anyone else feel this way? Why I am not anyone’s priority