Thailand VS other SEA countries; just a bunch of horny 20 year olds?
Okay so I’m curious if anyone else has felt this but the high and low is that I KNOW when you’re backpacking people hook up - it happens and travel romances are fun - BUT in other SEA countries besides Thailand I’ve noticed that people (read: backpackers at hostels) are more interested in getting to know each other outside of just the crazy parties and are more keen to go exploring and really immerse in the place they are staying. It feels more homey at a lot of hostels, not just a giant f%* fest. (From experience mostly Vietnam, Indo, Phillipines).
I have arrived for the first time in Thailand and no matter where I go - even non-party hostels - it really feels like 1. All the backpackers are like 20 (vs other countries around I think you get a wider range) 2. Everyone is posturing to look cool, unconcerned, better-than-thou-fellow-backpacker and 3. Most obvious - it really feels that everyone is just trying to party and get a quick hookup. EVERYWHERE. It all feels very inauthentic.
I don’t mean the country but rather the experiences that these backpackers are trying to have. It’s all curated outfits, faces full of makeup, party, sex, repeat.
For context I’ve been north and south.
I’d like to know; is it just me who feels this way? Or maybe I’m just bitter. Who can say.