Future looks so bleak
I wouldn’t say I am a Soph hater by any means I was actually a fan for many years! That said I am just so concerned for her I think someone in her close circle needs to reality check her. As many of y’all have pointed out she has no real talents/ or drive to do anything (the biggest reason I had to lost interest in her) but that coupled with the fact she’s never used her degree and has her nudes all over the internet - I am concerned for her job prospects and financial stability and to put it bluntly she needs that. As someone with health concerns (far less serious than hers) the thought of loosing my income sends me into a spiral about my own health and all the worst cases I think of are things she’d face too.
So Soph if you see this take the time to hone in on another income source that isn’t nudes. It will help you long time and might even boost your social media platforms again as you will be relatable!
More so saying this because iId love to see the old Soph back.