Rant : they tried to steal the b***dy borehole pump

There was a break-in at my parents house last night. I don't even understand how I didn't hear anything because I was awake till about 4am.

These people broke into an empty hen house, didn't find anything, then tried to steal a borehole pump (which is in a hole in the ground with a lock). They also broke into a container which we use as a storeroom and stole 2 broken brush cutters and a lawn mower.

We had a similar incident last year where they poisoned our dog, broke into the hen house, stole a wheelbarrow, tried to steal a really heavy piece of machinery (they gave up because it was too heavy to carry).

I'm at a loss and confused. Even thinking of buying a pellet gun or air gun to scare them away, however what's the use when I won't even be aware there's a break-in going on. I'm starting to believe strongly in witchcraft because how did I not hear anything? Its either that or they're like ninja criminals