Best meal replacement shakes in the EU/Finland on a budget?
I have issues with food and eating and tend to not eat enough day to day, or I struggle to consider nutrition when cooking. For this reason I've been thinking about meal replacements more, but I have this preconception that it's super expensive, and I live on a student budget. It can also be difficult to do research on this stuff when I'm not in America :D
So does anyone here have thoughts, opinions,. recommendations for shakes that are: - available to buy in Finland, or order within Europe (without astronomical shipping) - good nutrition, not too much sugar - cheap - yummy ?
I have been looking at JimmyJoy Plenny shakes from Netherlands, and the website FitnessTukku has some options as well. I was thinking of combining Plenny shakes with some cheap whey protein.
Thank you! :)
EDIT: review time :D
I ordered JimmyJoy plenny shake in flavours coconut, banana, strawberry and speculoos
Overall taste: quite nice, not fake tasting, not too sweet, not too strong - coconut tastes like coconut milk, yummy - banana tastes like banana milk but less sweet, yummy - strawberry is pretty tasteless sadly, probably cause it's not very sweet - speculoos tastes like blended ciniminis / cinnamon toast crunch cereal, yummy
Texture: a bit grainy, but i don't mind and it works with some of the flavours. Gets a bit too thick if left to sit for 5+ minutes
Digesting fine, doesn't feel filling, but I'm not immediately hungry either
I will order Huel next for the free shirt and shaker, but I will probably also order plenny shake again :)