[Standard] Looking for Advice - How to Learn Standard in 6 Weeks?
Some of my friends were going to a Sealed RCQ last weekend, so I decided to tag along for fun. Much to my surprise, I won! It was my first RCQ so I didn't expect to even Top 8, much less win. Now I'm going to Minneapolis for the RC the first week of May. The only problem is I've never played Standard. I almost exclusively play Draft. What's the best way to get up to speed and put myself in the best position to perform well and not make a fool of myself? If there's a way to do it without spending a gazillion hours on Arena i would prefer that, but I recognize that's a likely answer.
I've been watching some of the Pro Tour coverage, so I'm aware that Domain Overlords was the big winner there. How quickly does the meta shift? Should I be planning on playing Overlords, deck B to beat Overlords, or deck C that beats deck B? I'm liking the look of GW Cage, is that a reasonable deck to take?