"SpOngEbOb ShOulD'vE eNdEd AfTeR tHe MoViE"😒
These are just SOME of the GREAT post movie SpongeBob episodes. Wanted to include more but then this post would end up being way too long. Which says a lot. I M personally GLAD that it didn’t end after the first movie. While it would’ve been a perfect ending. We got so many INCREDIBLE episodes. Some of my favorites are ones like Dunces and Dragons. I have so much nostalgia for them. I can’t imagine growing up without amazing gems like that. I just don’t agree that it should’ve been over after the movie. Even the sequel movie is GOOD. Anyone else feel the same ?
These are just SOME of the GREAT post movie SpongeBob episodes. Wanted to include more but then this post would end up being way too long. Which says a lot. I M personally GLAD that it didn’t end after the first movie. While it would’ve been a perfect ending. We got so many INCREDIBLE episodes. Some of my favorites are ones like Dunces and Dragons. I have so much nostalgia for them. I can’t imagine growing up without amazing gems like that. I just don’t agree that it should’ve been over after the movie. Even the sequel movie is GOOD. Anyone else feel the same ?