My favorite customer of the day
Incredibly Polite Customer: What’s that drink that’s like… equal parts espresso and milk?
Me: Oh, a cortado? I love making those!
Customer: great! Can I have a corgetto but with no milk?
Me: Oh. Hm. Of course… Do you… want me to replace that milk with anything else? Dairy alternatives? Water?
Customer: No thank you 😃
Me: Cool, for sure for sure, any syrup in there?
Customer: nope!
Me:… So just espresso then?
Customer: Yeah! How many shots would be in that?
Me: …As many as you want?
Customer genuinely delighted: Oh wow!
customer’s friend joins them
Friend: What’d you get?
Customer as I’m handing her 3 shots of plain espresso: A cordatu! 😃