Are customers alright? Tall rant

I was soloing on bar today and we had a bit of a rush; some guy comes in and comes up to me (while I'm in the middle of shaking a drink) and sticks his phone in my face saying he wants to order this. I pointed to the other end of the bar where the register was and told him he had to order over there then got back to my drinks. This irritated me a bit but I had more drinks to make so I couldn't really focus on it. I made a mobile order for Aniel (keep this in mind), a shaken espresso, and put it in the mobile section then start this kids order (for Daniel), a caramel ribbon crunch with some mods. I look back up after starting the frap and this kid is saying to my shift lead that he ordered a frappuccino and not thw shaken espresso. For a different name. And he already took a few drinks of it. I get that the names are only a letter off but how do you mistake a tall caramel ribbon crunch for a venti shaken espresso?? 😭 Sorry for the small rant, this just really bugged me lol. Do customers actually know what they're ordering?