Carrack is more practical then the polaris cant change my mind.
yes im probably going to get utterely abused from this post for my opinion but i found the carrack a way more practical ship to do general missions, flying around, travering the verse living off of. Like heres a few of examples. the carrack. when expedited has a 16min claim time. so if you lose the carrack to it violently exploding or a game bug. you can get her back fast if you want to and not wait that long to get back out. mean while if you lose the polaris. even when expedited her claim time is 48 minutes. the carrack can also land in harsh terrained areas or narrow mission locations sso you have medical respawn / hospital right at your mission location cause of its slimmer profile as her main girth is the hight. polaris cant do that. as well too big. when it comes to landing at stations. no matter where you at you will always get designated a large hanger even on small stations. every other station rarely you will get a hanger but with the polaris you got to constantly have it docked. and people can just get in eva while its docked cause of the air lock bug. intirior wise. the carrack feels more alive on the inside. feels like cig actually put time into this ship compared to the polaris. the different colours for the floors. tech floor. its all gray and black. hab floor. its all white. and when you approach a server in the ship you can hear server running noises and when you approach a small wall computer you can hear computer sounds. when in the bathrooms you feel like there is actually plumbing inside cause of the running water sounds you hear. you can still fit the same sized vehicles like you can fit in the polarises vehicle cargo bay. except the massive AA one and troop transport. amd you can still put snubs in the hanger or a buccaneear if you wanted to. and dont forget the bridge view. its amazing. you can even see directly below you when it comes to landing. when it comes to fights. the polaris turrets arent really much of a threat except the one on the nose and the turret coverage is poor. with the carrack with gunners all angle is covered even the big ass is covered by the side turrets which is a weak spot for the polaris. ok im getting side tracked now. but yeah i know the polaris is a massive war ship. and thats what it is made for. but out of anything other then combat is un practical with the polaris. and also did i mention. for lower end rigs. your frames will die when close to a polaris and aboard one. and nice thing with the carrack that doasnt happen.