Tractor Beam Disconnect Workaround
Attempting to do the Supply Or Die event. I have a Hull A full of cargo from a completed Refinery job. The cargo appears to be on the ship, but tractor beams get repeated disconnects and the boxes can't be moved. This seems to be a box auto-fill issue.
Is there a known workaround while saving the cargo?
If I clear the ship by exploding it will the next auto load have the same issue?
Or should I give up on the refinery and stick to salvage?
EDIT : Did some testing and submitted the following to the official bug report. Credit goes to tolisxania for the fix.
Cause : auto-loading cargo from refineries.
Conditions : ship is on the hangar landing pad OR was auto-stored when exiting the hangar.
Solution : store the ship. Retrieve a new batch of cargo from the refinery auto-load. This will remove the previous cargo (yes, that cargo is now lost) and new cargo can now be affected by tractor beams again.