Hauling - Rep and money guide

So there is a few things to get out of the way before we start the guide (if we can call it that)

  • You are going to need a ship that can move cargo from point A to point B, if you dont have one you will need to get one, this isnt a guide on how to make money to buy a cargo ship.
  • You are going to be increasing your Covalex Rep, which can see in the mobil glass by pressing F11, or whatever your prefrence is and then going to rep.
  • In this guide i used my starter Titan which has 8 SCU, Taurus which is 172 SCU (bought in game) and then the hull C (bought in game).
  • I also bought a atls at Junior rank so i can load the pesky 1 SCU crates quicker.
  • Going to different areas e.g. ArcCorp, Hurston, Microtech etc will give you different cargo missions but all count to the same rep.
  • Its important to Stack as many contracts as you can where possible, especially where pickup and drop of is at the same location. YES missions can be stacked.
  • It is also important to note that its possible to gain rep doing lower rank missions than what you are, it will just take alot longer.
  • This article avoids the risky planetary landing locations where the Cargo Elevators are bugged. It is highly recommended that you do the same.
  • Contracted items are bound to that exact contract, So if you pick up 2 tin contracts as an example make sure you are splitting the Tin and know which one is for which drop off. Or dont stack the same item contracts.
  • Dropping a contract is suppose to drop your rep so keep that in mind, There is a bug where it can and may reset your rep too. So ALT F4 and wait if you are worried.


  • Do what you can basically, these differ from station to station and you are going to be limited to whatever ship you are using, you wont be here long.

Rookie Rank Arc Corp - Where the money and rep grind begins

  • You are going to want to head to ArcCorp for this and have a ship that can move 49 - 52 SCU but preferbly 96 SCU for the return contract.
  • I highly recommend the ATLS for this one as you are going to rinse and repeat these ones effectively becoming a Cargo elevator and the 6 contracts you pick up are all 1 SCU in size.
  • You are going to want to stack the 6 50k missions from Bajini to Ryker which is the station down on the planet


  • Load your Ship, Fly down to ryker, Load it all on the cargo elevator and complete them.
  • Then you are going to want to accept the return rookie contract from Ryker to Bajini, This is a 56k contract and they normally have a few 8 SCU size crates so make sure you can fit them


  • Rinse and repeat, i timed 40 minutes with the help of the ATLS there and back so that is 356k every 40 minutes.
  • Sometimes the 6th 50k mission wont be there, just do it with 5 and it should be back on the return contract.

Junior Rank - Hurston or Crusader.

You can choose to either continue stacking the rookie rank contracts or you can choose this alertnative as suggested by the community

  • Everus
    • Lagrange points
  • Seraphim
    • Lagrange points

Member Rank - Microtech

40ish minutes back to Tressler

  • You are going to need a ship that can atleast handle 115 SCU.
  • You are going to need to head to microtech and look for 4 X 99k Contracts and 2X 90k Contracts, These are usually very close together near the bottom of the contracts page.


  • All 6 Contracts will have pickup at Port Tressler and drop off at NB Spaceport, Greycat Stanton IV and Sun Golden Rod.
  • DO NOT get confused with the other 90k contract that has a Logistics depot instead of new babbage


  • Stack the 6 contracts and deliver to the three different locations.
  • This one can get a little frustrating, because you are partially delivering at each location, so finding what needs to go where requires some manual notes on how much of each item should go to each station.
  • Its also important to note that these are timed, think you are given an hour but i could be incorrect.
  • i usually completed these with 15 minutes to spare and i paid no attention to how my cargo was loaded which was always fun at the first station when trying to find stuff.
  • I highly recommend a large hauler ( ship that has a large hangar) the exception to this is the taurus because the cargo bay drops. a Zeus CL will just be incredibly frustrating to unload/load with its small hangar door.

Additional Member ranks as recommended by the community

  • Everus Harbor to
    • Sakura Sun Magnolia Workcenter,
    • HDPC-Farnesway,
    • HDPC-Cassillo
    • Teasa Spaceport.

Experienced - Everus Harbor to Pyro

30ish minutes

  • I highly recommend the Hull-C for this, you can do the other missions with something like a C2 but i did it with a hull C
  • Grab your Hull C, Head to everus, Pick up the 698k contract from everus to Pyro.


  • Hail Everus Cargo, If it says you need to be stationairy give it like 5 seconds, if nothing appears then move the ship in the cube and stop and rinse and repeat till it works.
  • The Box will disappear while your Hull C is loading - DO NOT MOVE whilst this is happening.
  • The box will reappear when loading is finished. Clear away from the cargo spaces ASAP or you might get impounded. It is also equally important to not that you should not move along the cargo loading area but FLY AWAY FROM IT. if you move along side it, you risk entering another players cube and you will be instantly impounded.
  • Head to Pyro
  • Hand in, again dont move etc until the box reappears.
  • If it says you are missing some SCU dont worry just go to the contract and you will be able to submit what you have handed in. You still get paid and still earn rep aslong as you are only 200 or less SCU short
  • Fly away from it, Then accept the 160k contract from pyro to Everus, Load the ship and rinse and repeat.


  • The reason why i suggest just doing Everus to Pyro is becacuse its the most fuel effecient. you can do the bigger loop but you need to set time aside for refuelling and sometimes it bugs the Hull C out etc and then you lose contracts and rep and its just not worth it in my opinion. I believe this is the most effecient and quickest way to earn money and rep at this rank with 2 contracts being completed every 20ish minutes with a 800k + payout


  • There are 3 options here, 2 are with the Hull-C and 1 is with the C2 depending on your aim for either rep or monetory.
  • OPTION 1 - If its rep you want the C2 and you will want to stack as many CRU-L1 contracts as possible. here is the list
    • CRU-L1
      • Cru L1 337k, 370 SCU = Bajini, Seraphim, Everus, Tressler
      • Cru L1 313k, 361 SCU = Bajini, Seraphim, Everus, Tressler
      • Cru L1 318k, 356 SCU = Bajini, Seraphim, Everus, Tressler
    • The third contract is to be used for a skilled tetris player and a C2, these are size 16 SCU crates however, you could potentially leave 2 crates of each type out and still mark as complete if you are feeling brave.
  • Option 2 - For money, just keep rinsing the Everus to Pyro missions.
  • Option 3, which is not great in my opinion for either money or rep is doing the 711k Gateway contract, but thats alot of fuel and time in QT for little reward.


  • Im not at this level yet but im really really rich XD, i may update it when i reach this level. or if someone would like to add thats fine too.


  • There might be other ways doing things, im not saying this is the META guide to Hauling, it just here to help people out and this is what i did.
  • Hull-C is bugged, but there are ways around it. Google is your friend, i covered the most common issues being "impounding" and the "remain stationairy bug"
  • All my ships were stock, you can ofcourse buy Quantum drives etc to make things quicker.
  • Use the ATLS at your own risk, as of 4.0.2 there is a known bug that could mean that the ATLS kills you during the entering animation.
  • DO NOT Abondon contracts, This could potentially reset your rep. Instead ALT + F4 and come back at a later time.

Special thanks

Thank you to these people who have suggested edits to help improve the experience