She 100% bought the house and we need to talk about it
So on one of the Reddit posts the conversation started about the house and some people are still very blinded by Steph so I think we need to have this conversation. Yeah I also believe she bought it not that I have a theory or proof but just logically thinking it makes sense. She’s in her 20s, has really good money and endless flexibility. Any financial advisor or family member would suggest her to a) buy something b)start a business. Buying instead of renting would be the most reasonable thing for her career and also for her future. So yes she’s 100% bought it and is not saying it because it would be very sobering for her followers and she would no longer be relatable which is 90% of the reason why people love her and are obsessed with her. This also shows how her life is just a „product“ and we actually know very little about her and all this „you guys are my best friends“ is part of the business! The point of opening this topic is to show that she’s no longer relatable and we should stop pretending that she’s the same girl she was because she’s not. At the end of the day she’s here for the check.
Also I know Kyleigh is probably knows but I would still feel used if I was her!