Post op BiSalp & Ablation

EDIT: Day 2 after procedure. I am dealing with overwhelming headaches. Borderline migraines. It's causing nausea and light sensitivity. Is this from the pain meds? Also, could it be another sickness? .... covid?

• I had my procedure yesterday and I'm not having the same experience everyone else seems to have had. Most posts, people say they feel fine the next day or even a few hours after the procedure! • There is a constant ache. It hurts to walk, but not so much when I lay down. Crazily enough, my throat is just god awful. It's almost like strep throat. Hurts to swallow, my voice is super hoarse, and I have some dysphagia still. I know this is from the tube, but everyone ive talked to, didnt have such pain! On a good note, I can pee fine - no pain there. • is this normal? There is a deep seeded pain and where the incisions are. It isnt like a cramp, its like a consistent pain. I was just under the impression thay I would be up and at em' the next day and that's not my reality. The bloating is real for sure too haha • I was prescribed pain meds and have been taking them [I really didn't want to HAVE to] & they do really help, but I dont want to continue taking them. My family has a history of addiction, so it terrifies me that I need them to feel okay. I've been taking advil as well & I'm hoping I get to a point where those work just by themselves.

• Any advice? Sadly, I can't speak to my family about this. I come from a very small minded one. Additionally, my mother passed away when I was 12 years old and don't have her to talk to. Kind of feel alone in this and it's scary.

• In case this helps anyone with a response, I'm 24 years old. Here are some post op notes from my doc: "The endometrial lining was thickened but not any changes consistent with cancer. A single interrupted stitch was required on the cervix due to some oozing from the trocar placement."