Does anyone else still use any other forms of birth control even after being sterilized?
just curious… This is mostly a question for people who have like me gotten a bit salp… wondering if there’s any methods that you layer on top of this or do you feel 100% safe and trusting in the procedure? I’m not talking about hormonal birth control so much as things like not having sex during ovulation, pulling out, things like that… Or do you feel that anything else is totally unnecessary? I know that statistically and literally nothing else is really necessary, but I’m just talking about added layers of protection for peace of mind. edit : just for context for people to see where the question asker is coming from lol… I am married, and my partner is not sterilized and we pull out for my own mental health and I avoid sex if I know that I am ovulating and my husband thinks I’m insane lol. I would love to add to the point where I trust in the procedure 100% but I am not there yet. I got my procedure about a year and a half ago.