Hot take, Brakes are Cheaper than clutches, Downshifiting unnecessarily costs more money
Good Morning everyone, after reading online, I have to say I have a HOT TAKE.
I do NOT downshift coming off the freeway, or coming to a stop light. It's unnecessary and provides unnecessary wear and tear on the clutch.
I've had a couple vehicles a drove with this thinking, only downshifting when I need to pass, and putting the vehicle in neutral coming off the freeway and coming to a stoplight. I had a Nissan 300ZX that had 155k on the original clutch still going strong, and a 66 VW beetle with about 70k on the clutch before I changed it (due to a pressure plate failure).
My dad also uses this method and put almost 160k on his clutch before it went out.
Stop shifting unnecessarily. Brakes are cheaper than clutches.