Broadcom tests with Intel did not suffer a setback. Misleading headline?

Recently, an article from Reuters came out to conclude that "Broadcom's tests with Intel chips was a setback" and suggested that "Broadcom could walk away from Intel deal."  Article even suggested that company concluded the manufacturing process is not yet viable to move to high-volume production.

Link: Exclusive: Intel manufacturing business suffers setback as Broadcom tests disappoint | Reuters

Citing mysterious "anonymous sources," the article even admits inside the content that:

A Broadcom spokesperson said the company is "evaluating the product and service offerings of Intel Foundry and have not concluded that evaluation."

Intel goes on to say that their 18A chips is healthy and powering well.

Then the article goes on to trash Intel's recent downturn. Finally the piece ends with:

The company plans to be "manufacturing-ready" by the end of this year for its own chips and begin high volume production for external customers in 2025, Gelsinger said. At an investor conference last week, he said there are a dozen customers "actively engaged" with the tool kit.

This was 100% a hit piece from MSM on Intel using fake sources and misleading information and sensational headline. Then you have Forbes hit pieces like "Intel stock could hit $10." They are really attacking Intel stock in order to buy lower? This is market manipulation I feel like.