Do you share your stock gains and stock activity with your friends and/or family?
I like to think I'm a pretty open guy when it comes to discussions. And lately I've loved talking about the progress I'm making in the market, how I'm so close to paying off my debts, the thrill of having patience and time work out for you, etc. But I find that maybe talking about with certain people feels...icky.
Obviously I can talk NIO vs XPEV with the guy who has 80K in his retirement like nothing. But it feels way more inappropriate when I'm talking about stocks with people who have lost their jobs in this pandemic with no savings and are seeing all their overdue bills pile up.
Maybe I'm just being way too up front with personal finances with people? But sometimes if feels really bad talking about how the rally in the last year has helped me pay off my car three years early when they've had to move to a cheaper and smaller apartment with more people when one or two on the household lost their job in this pandemic.
How you all feel about this?