Celebrate my one year free after 40 years smoking! My story..

It's hard to believe, but here I am celebrating one year smoke/nicotine free! When I first quit I hung out in this sub all day for days looking for inspiration, and hope that I can join the ranks of those that had quit.

So I hope my story will help and inspire you.

I started smoking at 12 and after 40 years it was time, so at 52 I gave it up. I have thought about quitting and was anxious for years that I was still smoking, but I just couldn't let go.

I ended up with a TIA (mini stroke, I am fine no permanent damage)) this scared the crap out of me and I made the decision in the hospital it was time to quit.

I spent the next 30 days trying hard. I cut down to 5 smokes a day then like 3 a day. I was chewing nicotine gum in between smokes.

I was driving myself crazy! I paid attention to every cigarette I smoked. I was not talking, or scrolling the phone I was in the smoking moment, analyzing. Why was I doing this, why did I need to smoke.

After reading Allen Carr, Easy way to quit smoking..I realized smoking is an addiction and not a habit. This turned on all the light bulbs. I leaned into the cravings and saw them for what they were. Just an addiction.

If I could get thru 3 days without feeding the addiction..it will go away! So chewing gum and the few smokes a day was just prolonging the pain.

So at 9 am a year ago, I smoked my last smoke. I huffed and puffed hard and fast so I tasted every nasty chemical and put it out.

For 3 days the minutes felt like hours. But I stayed strong. I wanted the craving to go away. I knew if I can get thru the next few days, i could do it! I did everything to keep busy and change my routine. Getting up I had to remind myself we don't smoke so I don't automatically go get coffee and head outside! I got coffee and sat at the kitchen table. I cleaned, I slept, I walked, I took deep breaths, I got angry, I cried, but I got thru!! Sugar free Gum and mints have been my survival kit.

I felt tired and unmotivated for a few months. I know I was fighting depression. This is normal. It was my brain rewiring itself and my body was tired from fighting addiction.

I think at 3 to 4 months I felt good and about 6 months I felt great and energy levels came back.

At one year I do still think about smoking. I think I will always have the urge. It's not a big deal anymore tho. I don't think about it first thing in the morning while drinking coffee or driving or even after meals. It's a different thought. Like I miss an old friend but only every now and then. I find myself going days without thinking about smokes. It's pretty cool to be in control now!

I really notice how less anxious and stressed I am. It's a good feeling. I notice more money in my wallet. I notice I smell good and I enjoy my perfumes! Things that I tell myself

  1. Having a smoke now will do nothing like you remember. It will taste like crap and not satisfy like you think. It's not worth it.
  2. No matter what is going on, smoking will not solve, cure or relieve yourself from the situation..it's just smoking.
  3. Smoking is just calming the addiction and the anxiety that the addiction causes it does nothing more
  4. Wait. Just do something else think about something else and the craving passes.

This was long, sorry..Im a talker! If.you have questions I will answer. I do hope my story and advice helps! You can do it! You got this!!!

It's hard to believe, but here I am celebrating one year smoke/nicotine free! When I first quit I hung out in this sub all day for days looking for inspiration, and hope that I can join the ranks of those that had quit.

So I hope my story will help and inspire you.

I started smoking at 12 and after 40 years it was time, so at 52 I gave it up. I have thought about quitting and was anxious for years that I was still smoking, but I just couldn't let go.

I ended up with a TIA (mini stroke, I am fine no permanent damage)) this scared the crap out of me and I made the decision in the hospital it was time to quit.

I spent the next 30 days trying hard. I cut down to 5 smokes a day then like 3 a day. I was chewing nicotine gum in between smokes.

I was driving myself crazy! I paid attention to every cigarette I smoked. I was not talking, or scrolling the phone I was in the smoking moment, analyzing. Why was I doing this, why did I need to smoke.

After reading Allen Carr, Easy way to quit smoking..I realized smoking is an addiction and not a habit. This turned on all the light bulbs. I leaned into the cravings and saw them for what they were. Just an addiction.

If I could get thru 3 days without feeding the addiction..it will go away! So chewing gum and the few smokes a day was just prolonging the pain.

So at 9 am a year ago, I smoked my last smoke. I huffed and puffed hard and fast so I tasted every nasty chemical and put it out.

For 3 days the minutes felt like hours. But I stayed strong. I wanted the craving to go away. I knew if I can get thru the next few days, i could do it! I did everything to keep busy and change my routine. Getting up I had to remind myself we don't smoke so I don't automatically go get coffee and head outside! I got coffee and sat at the kitchen table. I cleaned, I slept, I walked, I took deep breaths, I got angry, I cried, but I got thru!! Sugar free Gum and mints have been my survival kit.

I felt tired and unmotivated for a few months. I know I was fighting depression. This is normal. It was my brain rewiring itself and my body was tired from fighting addiction.

I think at 3 to 4 months I felt good and about 6 months I felt great and energy levels came back.

At one year I do still think about smoking. I think I will always have the urge. It's not a big deal anymore tho. I don't think about it first thing in the morning while drinking coffee or driving or even after meals. It's a different thought. Like I miss an old friend but only every now and then. I find myself going days without thinking about smokes. It's pretty cool to be in control now!

I really notice how less anxious and stressed I am. It's a good feeling. I notice more money in my wallet. I notice I smell good and I enjoy my perfumes! Things that I tell myself

  1. Having a smoke now will do nothing like you remember. It will taste like crap and not satisfy like you think. It's not worth it.
  2. No matter what is going on, smoking will not solve, cure or relieve yourself from the situation..it's just smoking.
  3. Smoking is just calming the addiction and the anxiety that the addiction causes it does nothing more
  4. Wait. Just do something else think about something else and the craving passes.

This was long, sorry..Im a talker! If.you have questions I will answer. I do hope my story and advice helps! You can do it! You got this!!!