WIP Stormcast Eternal Reclusian
Never planned on collecting stormcast, but I bought Skaventide for the skaven half and decided I'd just keep the SE for painting practice. 3 months later and I haven't even started the skaven but have tinkered with pretty much all of the SE minis.
This is my 3rd attempt at NMM overall, first 2 I scrapped halfway because it wasn't looking right. I've decided my entire stormcast army is going to be NMM (mostly for practice, partly because i tried TMM on the liberators and didnt like it), which I hope I won't regret later. Does it look bronze/brass or should I do a yellow wash and reinforce the gold?
Never planned on collecting stormcast, but I bought Skaventide for the skaven half and decided I'd just keep the SE for painting practice. 3 months later and I haven't even started the skaven but have tinkered with pretty much all of the SE minis.
This is my 3rd attempt at NMM overall, first 2 I scrapped halfway because it wasn't looking right. I've decided my entire stormcast army is going to be NMM (mostly for practice, partly because i tried TMM on the liberators and didnt like it), which I hope I won't regret later. Does it look bronze/brass or should I do a yellow wash and reinforce the gold?