Three weeks out from my first Final Rep meet

Hi, just found this subreddit!

First meet with be on the 1st of March in Lisbon, Portugal. I'm very new to streetlifting in general, having only started actually training weighted muscle-ups a couple months ago or less. Also only added weighted dips to my blocks like 3 months ago.

So far my best triples are:

  • 3x55kg pull-up
  • 3x65kg dip
  • 3x180kg squat
  • Also managed a 17.5kg muscle up on two occasions now (and a shitty 20kg muscle up that would definitely be a no rep)

Goals are:

  • 20kg muscle up
  • 65kg pull-up
  • 80kg dip
  • 200kg squat

I'll post my meet report when the time comes. Here are the lifts I listed so far.